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The AccountableLove Podcast

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Want To Know What An Accountable Relationships Are Follow The Journey


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Want To Know What An Accountable Relationships Are Follow The Journey







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My Optimistic Nature

I have an optimistic nature. I believe everyone can have accountable and Loving relationships with the proper foundation. Being an Accountable Relationship Builder, I know people are struggling with relationships. Yet, in my day-to-day life, I assume everyone is happy and satisfied with their connections. My village has to tell me people are pretending. They are just going through the motions. Sadly, I know they are right. However, I find it hard to believe people will remain in relationships without purpose. This week's podcast will explain how my optimistic nature can blind me to harsh realities. Reinforcing how much it takes a village to be the best of who we are. Remember, Listen, Learn, and Apply! The Lovesnobs Watch the Video by Clicking The Link:


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We Are Allies

Do you believe your Loved ones are your Allies? Many have experienced betrayal from an ex-partner, friend, or parent. Only a few of us are mindful enough not to bring that pain into our new or positive relationships. Well, this week's podcast address that very issue. Going into relationships believing others will hurt us, the same way the few did. We forget our village are our allies. They are not enemies. We must adjust the mentality of keeping our enemies close and pulling our support closer. Yes, we understand pain can be a part of healthy relationships. However, the key to every health connection is building together. We Are Allies, not enemies. We should always keep that at the forefront of our minds. Enjoy the podcast! Remember to listen, learn, and apply. The LoveSnobs Watch on Video:


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Are You Ready to Be Responsible for Others?

"Are You Ready To Be Responsible For Others?" We all are born with Love and belonging in our DNA. We have studies to prove it. When someone is isolated, they retreat into their minds, and their mental health is compromised. Having the proper support allows us to be the best of ourselves. But are you ready to be responsible for others? A lot of us want to be nurtured and belong. Yet, we don't want to dedicate our lives to fulfilling the needs of others. The responsibility of a relationship is reciprocity, which means giving our all to the foundation of our relationships. Therefore, it means receiving all from others. Relationships are a purpose. Thus, a responsibility that connects us through the core of our values. So, embrace responsibility and build strong bonds in the process. This podcast will help, so listen, learn, and apply. The LoveSnobs The LoveSnobs are two friends who are tired of people saying they want Accountable Relationships. Yet, they lacked road maps to acquire them. Therefore, The Lovesnobs started "The AccountableLove Podcast," which does just that. Creates a road map for people by defining terms, discussing building solid principles, and inviting everyday people to discuss building Accountable Relationships. The LoveSnobs believe Love Is A Group Journey. As a result, our journey is to create healthier, more supportive, Loving Relationships. Join The Discussion! Listen, Learn, and Enjoy


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The Four Fundamentals Roles of a Functional Village

A Functional Village is the number one source of life. We are more confident about our existence when we have excellent support in life. So, building a village is a fundamental foundation of life. In this podcast episode, I discuss the four fundamental roles of a functional village. Leader, Protector, Nurturer, and Manager are the four components that allow a village to work in unison. After listening to this podcast, I was hoping you could ask yourself what's your identifying role and who fills the other functions in your life. Remember, listen, learn, and apply. The Four Roles The Leader – The Leader is the one who not only brings everyone together but keeps each person focused on the big picture. Their primary focus is to ensure the strength of the Village. They are conceptual thinkers who speak in plurals (we, us, etc.). Leaders talk this way because they don’t see themselves as singular. They understand it takes a team to build anything worth having. The Protector– The Protector is quality assurance. “Operations!” They protect the Leader and support the Nurturer and Manager. The Protector tends to have some anger issues. Their personality can be combative, but they are not afraid to speak their mind. Yet, that same fire protects the group from outside threats. The Nurturer: The Nurturer ensures everyone in the relationship has what they need (physically and emotionally). They provide an environment that is always healthy. They are the heartbeat of the Village. Their Loved one’s emotional and physical well-being is vital to them. The Manager – The Manager is the scheduler. They make sure everyone’s calendar reflects planned dates. They are a Fundamental Role, ensuring everyone is on time for every event and appointment; they can even be your alarm clock. Like the Nurturer, they assist the group with needs but mentally. The LoveSnobs


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We Are Not Entitled To Reconciliation

We are not entitled to reconciliation. Aziz discusses several examples of how people believe they deserve reconciliation because they are human and make mistakes. If you are a person who betrayed someone, harmed them, or just disagreed. You are not entitled to be in their lives. Being a part of someone's life involves several benchmarks: They have to want you in their lives. You have to enhance their lives in someone's way. You have to share a common destination. Not fitting those qualities will ensure you will not be in that person's life. Stop believing history determines reconnection. You can gain reconciliation. When you apologize, work to repair the damage, and hope you fit the criteria above. Please don't go into rekindling the relationship believing they should rekindle. You are not entitled to reconciliation. If you Prefer Video:


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Three Steps To Improve Emotional Intelligence

Three Steps To Improve Emotional Intelligence is this week's podcast discussion. All over social media, "the cause" tends to be the entitlement of one's emotional state. Yet, how many of us understand those emotions we are so entitled to? Mr. LoveSnob will explain what it means to be emotionally intelligent, why emotional intelligence is essential, and how it will improve your relationships.


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I Want A Truthful Relationship Or Do I?

"I want a truthful relationship" is a statement most people will subscribe to in theory. Yet, in practice, do they have the consistency, discipline, and rawness to maintain a truthful relationship? When back in a corner, most people will self-preserve. Being truthful takes not only being different but going against some instincts. So, Mr. LoveSnob asks, "Do you want a truthful relationship or just like the sound of one." The LoveSnobs


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I Don’t Want To Argue

If you find yourself saying, "I don't want to argue." You have the wrong idea of what it means to argue. We all should want to argue with the people we Love. Yet, why and how we argue can be why disagreements do not resolve. In this week's podcast, I explain why "I don't want to argue" says a lot about your effectiveness in your relationships. The LoveSnobs


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Why Are Accountable Relationships Important?

Why Accountable Relationships Are Important? Close your eyes and imagine a relationship with zero accountability. Do you see commitment? Can you call it a relationship without responsibility? Now, think of being in relationships that require people to be accountable. Do you see purpose and priority? This distinction is an example of why Accountable Relationships are important. Yet, I (Mr.LoveSnob) will explain it further in this week’s podcast. The LoveSnobs


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We Are Committed To Their Habits

In this week's podcast, I explain how we are committed to a person's habits, not the person. Whether building a friendship or a romantic partnership, we must understand who they are. Examining their habits is the only way to understand a person's core. Can we live with a messy person? Do they avoid conflict? Are they very surface thinkers? Watch who they are and not who they say they are. Then ask yourself, "can I commit to their habits?"


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Justifying Poor Behaviors In Relationships

Justifying poor behaviors in relationships. Why do we search for the good in people? It's because all we see is wrong in ourselves. We believe if we forgive them, we can forgive ourselves. Yet, we commit to people who promise to treat us well—calling them friends and partners—and ask ourselves daily what those words mean. Should you be committed still in question? Or should we encourage people to honor the definitions of those titles? In this podcast, Aziz explains why justifying poor behavior in relationships is a direct representation of our worth. So, Listen, Learn, and Apply! Enjoy The LoveSnobs


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Knowing What To Expect In Your Relationships Is Key

Knowing What To Expect From Your Relationships is Key. The two most significant mistakes people make in their relationships: Are to expect more than what people promise to give or give more than we said we would provide. Yet, the only part of the relationship someone is responsible for is the agreed-upon terms. So, when reaching agreements, make sure you ask for what you want/need and give what you can sustain. Listen, Learn, and Apply! Enjoy


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Are You Prioritizing Your Relationships?

Are you prioritizing your relationships? That is the question. If the answer is no, listen to this podcast with the sole purpose of starting to prioritize your relationships. If yes, Aziz may give you new skills to maintain your relationships. Either way, this podcast will provide you with four ways to prioritize the health and accountability of your relationships. So, Listen, Learn, and Apply! Enjoy. If you want to watch it The LoveSnobs The AccountableLove Podcast


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Accountable Dating

Accountable Dating is dating solely for a partner in life—no more small talk, grand gestures, or leading with sex. Instead, we are building the foundation for a long-term commitment. Aziz explains how to accomplish your dating goals in this week's podcast. So, listen closely; by the end, you will be Accountable Dating.


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Do You Know Your Manipulating

Do You Know Your Manipulating: We all manipulate because self-preservation is a part of survival. Deciding to be in a long-term relationship with friends, a spouse, or have children means constructing a village. People who walk through life with you. Manipulating them is counterproductive. The LoveSnobs understand some people don't know they are doing it because it is socially acceptable. Today's podcast focus on four. Focusing on the tone of voice, avoiding arguments, refusing to discuss the past, and not wanting judgment. Embrace all four will make your relationship healthier and more accountable. Aziz will explain how. Remember, listen, learn, and apply.


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Stealing From The Rich Giving To The Poor

"Stealing From The Rich Giving To The Poor." It is a podcast about Why people mistreat those in their corner yet treat those good who mistreat them. Join the discussion as Aziz list and explain four reasons people adopt this mentality. He adds ways to avoid adopting this mindset as well. Should we be stealing from the rich, giving to the poor? Check Out the Podcast and see. So, listen, Learn, and Apply.


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Personal Relationships Affect The Community

Personal Relationships Affect The Community is this week's podcast discussion." I invited two Harambee members, Ty (The Founder) and Sha (Public Relations), to discuss how personal relationships affect the community. We will discuss the black community, the importance of a village mentality in the community, what is "community" and how we build community. I hope you enjoy the podcast discussion. Listen, Learn, and Apply.


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Wounds Affect Our Relationships

Wounds will affect our relationships. It's healthy to have scars when entering new relationships. We all fall before we master anything. Yet, it is unhealthy to carry unhealed wounds into relationships. They infect our connections before they have time to merge. Mahagony joins me to discuss how wounds affect our relationships if we focus on the trauma—more than on healing. I hope you enjoy the podcast discussion. Listen, Learn, and Apply.


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Watch Who Is In Your Ear

Watch Who Is In Your Ear is a podcast discussion about making sure we select the right advisors in our lives. Surrounding ourselves with the right friends, romantic partners, or children will ultimately aid us in life. It is essential to trust the people in our lives blindly. So, we have to watch who is in our ears. Aziz doesn't tell you what you should avoid. He outlines four ways you can acquire healthy and accountable relationships. Four ways you can assure you have the right people in your ear, which will, in turn, keep the wrong people out. Enjoy the podcast and Listen, Learn, and Apply!


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Relationships Should Be Personal

Relationships Should Be Personal! We hear the statement "Don't Take It Personally" when our lives are personal. In our relationships, everything should be "personal." when we get disrespected. It is personal. If we are fired from a job, it affects us personally. So, instead of using that phase, we need to take the time to explain why we are doing what we are doing. Let's start looking at taking it personally as caring enough about the people in our lives and caring about our lives. Relationships should be personal. Listen, Learn, Apply. The LoveSnobs
