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Health & Wellness Podcasts

At Infirmary Health, the largest not-for-profit healthcare provider in Alabama, our mission is LIFE. This acronym embodies Infirmary Health’s mission of serving our community with a focus on Leadership, Integrity, Family and Excellent Service. Through LIFE Cast, we provide the listener with education on current healthcare topics, share information on cutting edge procedures and introduce our diverse team of medical professionals serving the Gulf Coast Region. Infirmary Health is your FIRST CHOICE for healthcare in southern Alabama


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At Infirmary Health, the largest not-for-profit healthcare provider in Alabama, our mission is LIFE. This acronym embodies Infirmary Health’s mission of serving our community with a focus on Leadership, Integrity, Family and Excellent Service. Through LIFE Cast, we provide the listener with education on current healthcare topics, share information on cutting edge procedures and introduce our diverse team of medical professionals serving the Gulf Coast Region. Infirmary Health is your FIRST CHOICE for healthcare in southern Alabama



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I Need Physical Therapy. Can I Do My Therapy At My House?

Robert Nelson and Chuck Oates discuss the newest therapy offering from Infirmary Therapy Services, Therapy At Home. Patients can schedule appointments for physical therapy and receive care in person at a location and time that is convenient for them. With Infirmary Health's Therapy at Home, patients will receive treatment from the same therapist throughout their entire care journey, which can help to increase continuity of care.


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Too Young For Stroke? Know What To Look For

Christopher Southwood, M.D. aims to clear up a common misconception that stroke only affects individuals over the age of 55. In reality, a stroke can happen to anyone, regardless of age. However, there are steps you can take to minimize your risk. Awareness of the risks, signs, and symptoms can help save lives.


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I Am Having Trouble Sleeping. Could I Have Sleep Apnea?

A good night’s sleep is critical to your health and wellbeing. If you have challenges with feeling rested after sleeping, have issues with snoring or even stop breathing during the night, you might be suffering from a sleep disorder. Sleep disorders can be indicators of larger health problems and it’s important to discuss your symptoms with your physician. Infirmary Health has sleep medicine specialists who are specially trained to diagnose, treat and manage issues relating to sleep disturbances, disorders and address different aspects of sleep health. Dr. Cynthia Crowder-Hicks joins us on this episode of LIFE Cast to discuss sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder, and the treatment options available including continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP).


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My Daughter Plays a Year-Round Sports League. Is She at a Higher Risk of Injury?

Sports specialization, or training in only one sport year-round, is becoming more common among young athletes. The popularity of travel leagues fuels this trend. More research shows that women athletes tend to experience more overuse injuries and severe injuries requiring surgery than their male counterparts. A recent study found a greater risk of concussions, stress fractures, and injuries among specialized athletes.


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I Injured Myself While Being Physically Active. Should I See a Sports Medicine Doctor?

Sustaining an injury can be frustrating, especially when unsure which doctor to see. However, whether you're a college athlete hurt during a football game or an active individual injured while biking with your kids, it's good to know that sports medicine physicians can treat both types of injuries. So, the answer is yes, you can see the same doctor for both types of injuries.


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I Suffered a Serious Injury or Illness. Do I Need Rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation is that branch of medicine dedicated to restoring patients’ bodily functions and improve their quality of life as much as possible after suffering from a serious illness or injury. Rehabilitation is used to help those who have lost a bodily function due to disease.


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I Am Having Constant Headaches. Could They Be Migraines?

Migraines are not just bad headaches. Migraines can cause disabling neurological conditions including pulsating pain, light sensitivity, nausea and vomiting as well as visual disturbances. Around 39 million Americans, about 1 in 7 people, suffer from migraines. However, that number could be higher because many people struggle to know how to discuss their symptoms with their physician. Dr. Valerie Staples, a family medicine physician with Central Baldwin Physicians, is headache-certified by the National Headache Foundation. She joins us on this episode to discuss headaches, migraine symptoms, their causes and how to start the conversation with your physician to achieve appropriate diagnosis and treatment.


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I'm a Mom. How Can Breastfeeding Benefit My Baby?

The national breastfeeding initiation rate is 84.1% and the state of Alabama breastfeeding initiation rate is 69.6% and the exclusive breastfeeding at 6 months is even lower at 21%. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends infants be exclusively breastfed for about six months with continued breastfeeding while introducing complementary foods for two years or beyond. Breastfeeding is a proven primary prevention strategy, protecting both infants and mothers from a host of chronic and acute diseases and conditions and building a foundation for life-long wellness. Breastfeeding provides a safe, reliable, and renewable food source, especially during natural disaster and emergency situations. In addition to the nutritional benefits, breastfeeding promotes a unique and emotional connection between mother and baby and helps reduce illness and the risk of SIDS. At Infirmary Health, we use a multi-disciplinary approach to making your breastfeeding experience a success. Dr. Martha Ruzic, an obstetrician and gynecologist with Mobile Bay OB-GYN, works with Infirmary Health’s lactation consultants, nurses, and neonatologists to help support your initiation and continuation of breastfeeding. She joins us to discuss the importance of breastfeeding and how Infirmary Health supports breastfeeding moms.


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My Heart Rate Feels Irregular. What Could Be The Cause?

Does your heart beat feel irregular? You could be experiencing a problem with your heart’s electrical system, which sends signals through your cells in order to regulate heart rate and rhythm. If not treated, these irregular heartbeats known as arrhythmias, could lead to stroke and heart attack. Electrophysiologists are cardiologists who specialize on the diagnosis and treatment of irregular heart rhythms. They use a highly specialized tests, devices and procedures to help your heart reach a healthy rhythm. Dr. Thomas Turnage, electrophysiologist with Diagnostic & Medical Clinic, joins us to discuss common conditions that can cause irregular heart rhythms and how new advances are helping patients get back on their feet.


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Infirmary Foundations: What Do They Do and How Can I Help?

It takes about $2 million a day for Infirmary Health to see patients and operate facilities. How does the system stay ahead in cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art care? In part, it's the work and efforts made possible by three Infirmary Health Foundations, one for each acute care hospital on the Gulf Coast.


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Antibiotic-Resistant Infections Are On The Rise. What Do I Need To Know?

"Superbugs" sounds like something from a movie but in reality, they pose a real-life health threat. In this episode of LIFE Cast, Chris Whitman, PharmD and Antimicrobial Stewardship Clinical Pharmacy Specialist for Infirmary Health explains what stewardship means in relation to pharmaceuticals as well as "superbugs" and drug resistance.


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I’m a Smoker. Am I at Risk for Lung Cancer?

Cigarette smoking is the number one risk factor for lung cancer. In fact, cigarette smoke causes 80-90% of all lung cancer deaths in the United States. If you are a smoker it’s incredibly important for you to know the risk factors for lung cancer as well as the importance of regular screenings. However, only 16 percent of lung cancers are caught at an early stage. Early detection of lung cancer provides patients with more treatment options and a greater chance of survival. Dr. Adrian DiVittorio, pulmonologist with Diagnostic & Medical Clinic, joins us to talk about risk factors, screening methods and how Infirmary Health is investing in the latest technology to detect lung cancer as early as possible.


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I Keep Hearing About Colorectal Cancer. What Should I Know?

Colorectal is preventable, treatable and beatable. Isaac Payne, D.O., a fellowship-trained colorectal surgeon, discusses the prevention, detection and treatment of the disease.


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I Want to Work for Infirmary Health. Is There a Career For Me?

In this episode, Ivy discusses the unique dynamics of working for the State of Alabama’s largest non-government, not-for-profit healthcare system, Infirmary Health. Recently named Alabama’s Best Healthcare System Employer by Forbes Magazine, Infirmary Health offers a supportive and professionally challenging work environment along with unparalleled benefits. From nursing and residency programs, clinical and non-clinical management and support to information technology, pharmacy, advanced practice providers and more, Infirmary Health’s experienced and professional recruiting team works with applicants to discuss opportunities available within the system that will be the best fit.


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I'm a Female Experiencing Discomfort in My Pelvic Region. What Do I Need To Know?

Pelvic floor disorders, which occur when the muscles or connective tissue in the pelvis do not work as they should, affect one in five women in the United States. Urogynecologists, like Dr. Jeff Fahy, are experts in the female pelvis organs and pelvic floor. He provides comprehensive care through preventive and corrective therapies as well as experienced diagnosis and treatment of related issues with minimally-invasive surgical and non-surgical interventions. He joins us today to discuss two of the most common pelvic floor disorders that many women face.


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Multiple Sclerosis: What It Is, and What It Isn’t

Multiple sclerosis (MS) only affects at least 1,000,000 individuals nationwide. This disorder is highly variable from one individual to another, and impacts on the central nervous system can result in a broad range of symptoms and functional impairments. Confirming the diagnosis of MS can be complicated and challenging, as other disorders can have similar symptoms. That is why it is incredibly important to seek a physician who has a strong understanding of the diagnostic criteria for MS as there is no single test for the disease. Infirmary Health’s multidisciplinary Neuroscience Center of Excellence has decades of experience in helping properly diagnose individuals with MS. Dr. Elizabeth Minto, a neurologist with Coastal Medical Group, is a designated Partner in MS with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. She joins us to discuss symptoms, guidance on obtaining a proper diagnosis and the importance of choosing a care provider with expertise in MS.


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I’m at Risk for a Stroke: What Do I Need to Know?

Maggie Poole (RN, BSN, CCRN, SCRN, ASC-BC) talks about the Stroke program at Mobile Infirmary. Ms. Poole explains what it means to be a Joint Commission Certified as Thrombectomy Capable, common misconceptions about strokes, and signs and symptoms.


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I Have Cancer. Is a Clinical Trial Right For Me?

Dr. Rocconi, (gynecologic oncologist) discuss clinical trials and their effect on the cancer journey. Dr. Roconni explains the various clinical trials for cancer care, the ultimate goals in these trials, and the advantages for a patient and others to be part of a clinical trial.


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I'm Candidate for Joint Replacement. What Do I Need to Know?

The goal of Infirmary Health’s Orthopaedic Institute is to provide comprehensive orthopaedic services to the Gulf Coast Region. Infirmary Health has invested in many the newest technologies, providing our hospitals with some of the most advanced surgical techniques for orthopaedics. These technologies offer improved patient outcomes, increased movement and shortened recovery time. Additionally, Infirmary Health’s partnership with Gulf Orthopaedics is bringing orthopaedic practice locations to new areas in Mobile and Baldwin counties. Gulf Orthopedics’ experienced and trusted physicians provide the latest, most cutting-edge surgical and non-surgical treatment methods, specializing in trauma and sports medicine, shoulder replacement, hip replacement, knee replacement and foot-ankle treatment. Michael Granberry, MD, board-certified orthopaedic surgeon with Gulf Orthopaedics and the director of Infirmary Health’s Orthopaedic Institute, joins us to discuss joint replacements, how to choose the right provider and facility for your procedure and the growth in orthopaedics for Infirmary Health. As the FIRST CHOICE for healthcare in the Gulf Coast Region, Infirmary Health is here for you, here for LIFE.


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My Pregnancy is High-Risk. Where Can I Deliver My Baby?

Infirmary Health’s three maternal health centers at the Mobile Infirmary, Thomas Hospital and North Baldwin Infirmary, allow expecting mothers in the Gulf Coast area to receive comprehensive maternal care. In the case of high-risk births, Mobile Infirmary and Thomas Hospital are able to provide critical care services to both mom and baby with the support of a Neonatal Intensive Care Team and Level II specialty nursery. Jessica Jones, MD, an OB-GYN with Women’s Health Alliance of Mobile, joins us to discuss high-risk pregnancies, the support provided by a Level II specialty nursery and how to choose the right provider and hospital for your family. As the FIRST CHOICE for healthcare in the Gulf Coast Region, Infirmary Health is here for you, here for LIFE.
