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Investments Unplugged

Business & Economics Podcasts

An insightful and lively podcast that gives you access to ideas and insight from a range of market experts from Manulife Investment Management.(Intended for Advisor Use Only)


Toronto, ON


An insightful and lively podcast that gives you access to ideas and insight from a range of market experts from Manulife Investment Management.(Intended for Advisor Use Only)





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Episode 104: Navigating tariffs, policy and Canada-U.S. trade tensions

Rising tensions, evolving trade policies, and potential tariffs have sparked widespread discussions—even going as far as rallying hockey fans on both sides of the Canada-US border. Are these policies merely a negotiation tactic, or do they signal a shift in North American trade dynamics? Join our Co-Chief Investment Strategists, Kevin Headland and Macan Nia, as they explore the latest trade developments and their potential implications for Canadian investors. In an in-depth conversation with Dominique Lapointe, Global Macro Strategist, Multi-Asset Solutions Team, we zero in on tariffs and trade disputes and examine their potential impact on Canada’s economy. Tune in to our latest episode for insight on this evolving landscape.


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Episode 103: 2025 at a glance—what’s in store for investors?

2025 is in full swing! What can we expect from equity and fixed income markets as the year gradually unfolds? Our first podcast episode of 2025 is an absolute must-listen. Hear from our Co-Chief Investment Strategists Kevin Headland and Macan Nia, as they delve into the opportunities and challenges shaping the market landscape this year. Can we expect some volatility up ahead? No matter what’s in store for investors in the coming months, it’s important not to get overly cautious or fearful. Stay the course, and as always, remember to stay invested—especially when there are bumps along the way. Tune in as our experts underscore some of the key developments in 2025. This is one episode of Investments Unplugged you won’t want to miss!


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Episode 102: Outlook 2025—gearing up for the year ahead

The festive holiday season is upon us and what better time than now to reflect and prepare for the road ahead. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to hear from Kevin and Macan as they look to 2025 and share their thoughts on equity and fixed income developments. Will equity fundamentals continue to be a defining theme in the new year? What role will security selection and duration management play in the fixed income space? Tune in to the year’s last episode of Investments Unplugged, as our experts delve into their base case, bull case and bear case scenarios for 2025. This is one episode you just can’t miss. Be sure to tune in! Intended for Investment Professionals, investors should connect with their financial advisor for more information.


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Episode 101: Fortified, not glorified: who says investing shouldn’t be boring? —Market Insights Monthly special edition

Data surprises, recession concerns, shifting U.S. Federal Reserve policy? What if building a resilient portfolio mattered more than predicting future outcomes. This month, our Co-Chief Investment Strategist Kevin Headland had the pleasure of sitting down with Mawer Investment Management’s President and Portfolio Manager Jim Hall to discuss how patience and discipline play a crucial role in navigating volatile markets. Listen in as Jim delves into some of our flagship funds and reminds us to approach investing with a steady hand. As markets fluctuate, a well thought-out, long-term strategy remains the cornerstone of success. Here’s to embracing the journey and mastering The Art of Boring in investing! Be sure to tune in to our podcast episode.


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Episode 100: Achievement unlocked—looking through the rearview mirror

Here we are—100 episodes and 7 years later! This truly is a remarkable milestone for our Investments Unplugged podcast, which has seen roughly 86,000 downloads since the pilot episode aired all those years ago. In this month’s celebratory episode, we get up close and personal with our dynamic hosts and Co-Chief Investment Strategists: Kevin Headland and Macan Nia. Take a trip down memory lane as they reflect on their careers and offer valuable insight to aspiring young investment professionals. Considering a career in markets or investing? Think you could benefit from the lessons they’ve learned over the years? Tune in as Kevin and Macan look through the rearview mirror and commemorate their 100th episode. This is one episode you just can’t miss. Be sure to tune in!


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Episode 99: Gearing up for the final stretch of 2024—Market Insights Monthly special edition

Children are heading back to the classroom for yet another school year. What better time than now to reinforce our portfolios with lessons learned from our early childhood? This month, our Co-Chief Investment Strategists Kevin Headland and Macan Nia address economic concerns, equities and fixed income developments, and the art of managing volatility—all through the lens of some our favourite children’s classics. Get ready to revisit some of your favourite childhood gems and gear up for the final stretch of 2024 with this truly unique perspective on markets. Don’t miss out on this podcast episode.


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Episode 98: All-caps in focus —Market Insights Monthly special edition

The dog days of summer are over, and volatility is back with a vengeance. In just a short period of time, we’ve dealt with a messy unwinding of carry trades, shifts in Fed policy, and material developments on the U.S. presidential front. How has this clouded the bigger picture? Don’t miss out on an opportunity to go behind-the-scenes with Sandy Sanders, our Senior Managing Director, and Portfolio Manager of the Manulife U.S. All Cap Equity Fund. In an interactive discussion moderated by our Co-Chief Investment Strategist Macan Nia, Sandy chimes in on everything from the U.S. economy to the ongoing A.I. frenzy, U.S. elections and rotations across market capitalizations. Tune in to our new episode to learn more.


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Episode 97: Looking to power your income portfolio? —Market Insights Monthly special edition

Unruly markets, unpredictable interest rates and a possible resurgence in inflation—are all your income options on the table? In this podcast episode, we sit down with our newly appointed Head of Specialists and former Director of ETFs and Alternatives , Rob Wernic. In this interactive discussion, Rob underscores the need for alternative income investments, outlining the key differences between traditional income solutions and our new Manulife Smart Enhanced Yield ETFs. Tune in to our new episode to learn more.


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Episode 96: Getting down to fundamentals—Market Insights Monthly special edition

Are you inundated with stories? One of the most important rules when making investment decisions is to avoid getting caught up in headlines. In this podcast episode, we chat with our very own Senior Portfolio Manager, Fundamental Equity Patrick Blais about the importance of blocking out the noise and making fact-based investment decisions. With an investment process that highlights cash flow as the real driver of economic value, Patrick and his team look to uncover the best ideas at attractive valuations. Tune into our new episode to learn more.


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Investing, happily, ever after—is your portfolio set for a fairytale ending? (Part 2)

In part two of our happily, ever after series of Investments Unplugged, we continue to compare timeless tales to the current markets. In this conversation, we provide our updated outlook on bonds and discuss the outcome of global central banks starting their easing cycles. Tune into our new episode to learn more.


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Episode 95: Investing, happily, ever after—is your portfolio set for a fairytale ending?

What comes to mind when we think of fairytales? Fairytales are a means to teach children about opportunities, risks, and how to navigate a complex world. While they usually end happily ever after, the path to get there is usually riddled with challenges. In part one of this two-part series of Investments Unplugged, we look at the economy and equity markets through a fairytale lens. We pay particular attention to how children’s classics are relatable to managing risks and uncovering opportunities in the current investment landscape. Tune into our new episode to learn more.


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Episode 94: Explore the alternative route to your financial destination—Market Insights Monthly Special Edition

Strengthen your defence and sharpen your offence with Manulife liquid alternatives. Join us as we unveil our two new alternative fixed-income solutions. Hear from the lead portfolio managers of these strategies Chris Chapman and Roshan Thiru as they outline their investment approaches and delve into the key differentiators that set their teams apart. Tune into our new episode to learn more.


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Episode 93: Investing in real assets —Market Insights Monthly Special Edition

Sticky inflation, economic uncertainty, and geopolitical risks. Now isn’t exactly the time to let your guard down. Tune in to our new podcast episode with special guests Senior Portfolio Manager Eric Menzer, and Senior Managing Director Alex Catterick as they chat about private markets, alternative investments, and the importance of including real assets in your portfolios. Don’t miss out on this special edition of Investments Unplugged.


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Episode 92: Q&A - let's talk about recessions

Recession is a word that gets thrown around often. But what exactly is a recession and how does it impact investors? Join us for an in-depth Q&A session as we weigh in on a topic that’s become front and center for investors. Find out what you can expect in a recession and why you shouldn’t wait for one to prepare your portfolio. For all this and more, tune into our new podcast episode.


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Episode 91: Dividends in a different light—Market Insights Monthly Special Edition

Dividend investing is evolving, and so should your approach. Tune in to our new podcast episode to learn about the unique set of challenges faced by dividend investors in today’s environment. Hear from our very own Senior Portfolio Manager Chris Hensen as he weighs in on the shifting landscape and explores the dividend opportunity set through a different lens. Don’t miss out on this special edition of Investments Unplugged.


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Episode 90: Darkest before dawn—are investors nearing an inflection point?

Make no mistake about it, the economy is dealing with its fair share of challenges. But are there bright spots ahead? In this podcast episode, we sit down with our Global Chief Economist and Strategist Frances Donald, as she weighs in on the macro forces at play in 2024. Will global growth decline? Will central banks respond with rate cuts? For all this and more, tune in to Investments Unplugged.


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Episode 89: A look ahead to 2024—addressing your unanswered questions (part 2)

Episode 89: A look ahead to 2024—addressing your unanswered questions (part 2) After patiently waiting for many months, signs that our fixed income outlook may be coming to fruition emerged at the end of last year. But what can we expect in 2024? In part 2 of our podcast episode, we focus on answering your frequently asked questions on fixed income. Are inflation risks behind us? Where are yields going? Are central banks done with their rate hikes? For all this and more, tune in to our new podcast episode.


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Episode 89: A look ahead to 2024—addressing your unanswered questions

With 2024 in full swing, what’s our take on equities and bonds? Rather than sharing our views in our usual way, we’ve adopted a Q&A format to respond to some of the more pressing questions we’ve been getting on the road. Where’s the economy headed? What are some of the main challenges for markets in the new year? To get your questions answered, tune in to our new podcast episode.


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Episode 88: Watching our bond scenario unfold: ready for phase 2?

Consumer exhaustion is kicking in, yields have come down, and the economy is beginning to show signs of slowing. Since outlining our three-themed bonds outlook, we’re finally getting an indication that it’s coming to fruition. As we get ready to transition to phase 2 (“duration is your friend”), investors could embrace longer duration on expectations that yields will fall further and the economy will continue slowing. Will the headwinds that impacted bonds as yields rose become tailwinds when yields fall? For all this and more, tune in to our new podcast episode.


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Episode 87: Under the microscope: looking closely at a potential recession

Episode 87: Under the microscope: looking closely at a potential recession Recession—it’s a word that continues to dominate the minds of investors and economic scientists alike. We hear about it so often, it sometimes seems like our expectations and concerns magnify. Yet, there could be important information that some people don’t see. Let’s focus the lens a little and scrutinize some of the financial details. • What’s a soft or hard landing, and can we expect one or the other? • Why has a potential recession been delayed? • Does the economic data tell us whether a recession is inevitable? • How will the anticipation of a potential recession continue to affect the markets? Zoom in for a better view.
